We all want a fast and responsive website, but we don’t always do the work to get it there. Either you don’t have time, or you might not have the funds to do it. All the same, you still have to get it done if you want real results. Here are some reasons to get you off your butt and optimize that website.
More people own phones than a personal computer. Thus, there is no surprise that mobile internet use has hit the roof. Especially now with the pandemic and stay at home orders. Having a responsive website it critical. Unfortunately, a lot of businesses websites are not optimized to be mobile-friendly. This for one, causes a headache for your visitors, and two, it disrupts the amount of traffic that you would have gotten from those mobile users. Be careful, because there is a difference between a mobile-friendly site and a responsive website. While a mobile-friendly website might look okay on mobile devices, it may be harder to navigate and/or have glitches (jumbled text, images do not align). A responsive website is a website design that allows your site to adapt to any screen size.
When someone lands on your website, you must make sure that the experience is always positive. Your visitor shouldn’t feel overwhelmed or frustrated because there is a high chance that they will leave your site immediately. The same goes when they cannot find the information that they are looking for with relative ease. It’s also said, logically, the better the experience people have with your mobile website, the more inclined they will be to buy a product or service.
Speaking from experience, blogging and social activities can bring you a lot of conversation. If you have a strategy down for your blogs and social media, good for you. You’re on the right track. Those of you who do this must have seen increased mobile traffic. Those of you who haven’t, it’s time to get on the ball. This being said, don’t give out links to your website if it isn’t mobile-friendly or responsive. This results in you getting high bounce rates as well as low conversation rates, and a very irritated audience.
Having one URL makes everything so much easier for our friend Google. It helps look over your site as well as reduces the number of SEO errors. Responsive websites are more likely to have a high ranking in SERPs (search engine result pages).
There is a lower need for maintenance when you have one website that can adapt to be seen on any mobile device. It will be expensive in the beginning, but when you have the hang of it, it takes less time and money to optimize it.
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